Parent Category: Products
Category: Sparrow Streams



What is a Sparrow Stream?

A Sparrow Stream is a dedicated streaming service provided by Sparrow Industries to end user for limited amount of time. You can use this service to broadcast your music from your computer to your listeners. To do this you will need external programs or tools like winamp and configure the encoders.


Why a Sparrow Stream?

Sparrow Streams inteernal infrastructure is designed and developed by Sparrow Industries. There are no external software or any other 3rd part software to accomplish the communication between terminals. By this we accomplish a very fast and lightweight network.


What is a Hybrid Stream?

Currently on the market there are 3 major broadcasting servers (shoutcast,shoutcast 2.0 and icecast 2.0). Sparrow Hybrid Technology allow you to switch to any type of broadcasting service keeping the same settings (IP,Port and Password). Sparrow Hybrid Technology is 100% our product.



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