The GK2 driving system has been entirely re-coded. And the new GK2 Engine works perfectly on both physical and non-physical objects. This new feature allows the GK2 to move in 3 directions, unlike the previous GK which could only move in 2. As well as the command hoverheight (hh) has been removed. Additionally the tracking option has been replaced by attack.
• Driving system now works in 3 directions without the limitation of ground level
• Enhanced landing option will now land the GK2 safely
• Defense mode will allow the GK2 to defend you or your land
• Hover mode allows the GK2 to monitor you and those its around, while you still have fun
• Now you can have the GK2 follow you in hover/defense at the same time
• Automatic Flag allows the GK2 to switch to defense mode when you are offline
• Physical Flag lets the GK2 avoid bullets or walls when toggled off
• The Guardian Knight now can measure your land and patrol fully auto
• Sound Effects added, expect more on the next releases
• HUD is ready
• Accepts plugins
• Automatically updates itself, so you will always have the most current version available FOREVER.
• New and improved commands
The following commands use GK as an example, please replace with your own GK's name when doing them.
It is suggested that you rename your GK2 as soon as it has been placed in world.
GK2 has 4 flags a owner can toggle on or off, simply by calling its name and flag for each state.
The flags are : auto, follow, patrol and physical.
The HUD have the basic commands ( new, hover, defense, follow, patrol, physical, land and terminate ).
you can controll all your guardians winthin 100 meters using the hud. if you want to controll one guardian only
use his name as well with the command prompt.
New : rezzes a new guardian near you.
Hover : sets all the gks to hover (max range 100m)
Defense : sets all the gks to defense (max range 100m)
Follow : all the gks will follow you
Patroll : the gks will start measure your land and start patroling
Physical : turns the physical option on and off
Land : land all your gks
Terminate : delete all the gks.
**if the new option is red, that means you have to add your gk to your HUD to do that is simple
wear the HUD
right click on the HUD
click Edit
press the little blue "more>>" button
go to last tab called "content"
now drag the gk from your inventory to the content
Read this entire manual.
To name your GK2 do the following [ (old name) name (new name) ] :
*This also applies to naming and renaming your specific unit*
Example : gk name toy
To set your GK2 in defense mode do the following [ gk defense ] :
*This places the unit in defense mode*
Example : gk defense
To set your GK2 in hover mode do the following [ gk hover ] :
*This places the unit in hover mode*
Example : gk hover
To set your GK2 in landing mode do the following [ gk land ] :
*This places the unit in landing mode*
Place a landing pad somewhere and use the command
If you use this command for the first time then the GK2 will ask you where to land
Just click on the landing pad and the GK2 will confirm that it has found it
If you want to set a different landing pad then use the gk clearlandpod and try to land it again
Example : gk land
To set your GK2 in standby mode do the following [ gk standby ] :
*This places the unit in off mode*
Example : gk standby
To add people to your GK2 do the following [ gk add (name of person to add) ] :
*This adds the user mentioned to the allow list*
The GK2 will not attack those in the allow list
Example : gk add zoe delling
To remove people from your GK2 do the following [ gk remove (name of person to remove) ] :
*This removes the user mentioned from the allow list*
Example : gk remove zoe delling
To add owners to your GK2 do the following [ gk addowner (name of person to add) ] :
*This adds the user mentioned to the owner list*
Example : gk addowner zoe delling
To remove owners from your GK2 do the following [ gk removeowner (name of person to remove) ] :
*This adds the user mentioned to the owner list*
Example : gk removeowner zoe delling
To set the sensor range of your GK2 do the following [ gk sr (range) ] :
*This enables the GK2 to monitor or ignore mouselook (guns)*
Example : gk allowguns
To have the GK2 attack someone do the following [ gk attack (name of person to attack) ] :
*This attacks the person mentioned*
Set the GK2 back into hover or standby mode to stop the attack
Example : gk attack zoe delling
To set the attack range of your GK2 do the following [ gk ar (range) ] :
*This sets the attack range of the GK2*
Anyone within this range while in defense mode the GK2 will attack
Also don't set the attack range higher than the sensor range
Example : gk ar 20
To cage someone using your GK2 do the following [ gk cage (name of person to cage) ] :
*This cages the person mentioned*
Example : gk cage zoe delling
To clear the landing pad of the GK2 do the following [ gk clearlandpod ] :
*This method clears the landing pad from memory*
Example : gk clearlandpod
To hard reset your GK2 do the following [ gk hardreset ] :
*This method clears everything in memory*
Example : gk hardreset
To set the sensor range of your GK2 do the following [ gk sr (range) ] :
*This sets the sensor range of the GK2*
Example : gk sr 50
To toggle the auto flag do the following [ gk auto ] :
*This will enable the GK2 to monitor your online status*
Example : gk auto
If you go offline the GK2 will turn on its engines, fly to the last hover/defense spot, and set itself to defense mode
If you have your GK2 landed, then when you come back online, it will return to the landing pad
To toggle the follow flag do the following [ gk follow ] :
*This will enable the GK2 to follow you*
Example : gk follow
To toggle the patrol flag do the following [ gk patrol ] :
*** no notecard needed anymore ***
The Guardian now can measure your land and see the borders, then he will hover or defense
in random positions in your land. The guardian will NEVER attack anyone who will not be in your land.
Example : gk patrol
To toggle the physical flag do the following [ gk physical ] :
*This will enable the GK2 to turn into a phantom or solid object*
This enables the GK2 to avoid certain weapons
Example : gk physical
please, feel free to contact Sparrow Ind team
Jacks sparrow
Zoe Delling
The first HUD released for control the basic commands of the guardian
The old patrol funtion replaced by new fully automated
Missiles added
Code fixes and several useful things that you may not notice at all :)
SoundEffects for Missles and Guns.
problem with the "Stack-Heap Collision" solved
2 bullets at the same time
more fast tracking
more memory free
and now is ready to recive more weapons as well, expect missiles to the next version ; )
now the guardian gave respond for the command sr (sensors range)
***new*** GroundAntenna included (for group owned lands) : )
the "test" message located in the HyperEngine removed
Memory low levels fixed
Now the Guardian Knight autoresets if the memory drops too low, while also saving the current settings
Code fixes and several useful things that you may not notice at all :)
Now the GK2 accepts plugins
The GK2 will remember the allow list and all the settings during the reset
The updater now works continously every 24 hours
New commands :
gk allowguns
Enchanced travel distance, using my HyperEngine now GK2 can travel up to 500 meters
Nobody can sit on the GK2 anymore
Cage system
Patrol system
Powerful bullets (If the llpush is restricted, then the unit has the same power as before)
Autoupdate network managment system
Multiple Owners
i want to thank you all for your help to make the Guardian Knight the best protector.
Special Thanks to Miss Sieben Ochs for her help.
Jacks Sparrow
Sparrow Industries CEO