Hunter Killer 2009 EditionHe hunts, he kills... Created for people who are disobedient, wild , free and incomprehensible... Dangerous for your enemies, gentle with your friends.  Looks warlike, disseminate fire, cause fear and you are ineffably safe... If anyone attacks he...

Made from steel and technology... Never to retreat... never to surrender!!! Imposes with his appearance and intelligence. Stable and does not attack for no reason. Nightmare of every intruder. Brave and persistent.Try him and he will be your...

ZoedⓏⓄⒺⒹArcadian Defensive SystemShe is pretty and able to be controlled from anywhere. Set her in the right mode, make her large or small and she will get the job done, also you will be informed who is coming or going from protected area. Because...

ArcadianArcadianArcadian Defensive System - By Sparrow Industries He is the Pioneer in Security Revolution… He is your permanent protector. Works from instincts. He is simple, small, and will never grow up. He will always be your baby that keeps...

He is durable and explosive... in strenght that you cannot imagine.Elegant and powerful. Be aware of his strength and character!!! He is Master of security on your land. He knows how to make decisions and immediately goes into protective...