What is it?Normaly when a DJ wants to broadcast music, he/she needs to connect to a server and start broadcasting the music content. Each listener connects to the same server and starts receiving the music content the broadcaster(DJ) is...
With our hybrid technology now you can change the physical datacenter at any time via our website. If you broadcasting from Europe it may be better to switch to european server because the distance between you and the server will be...
What is it?Sparrow Direct Stream's Name technology allow you to set your favorite name under your stream. Before this feature all the sparrow streams ware coming attached to the physical's server name ie dj.sparrowindustries.net. Now...
Our global statistics about the current usage of our services. Below you can watch our run time statistics about the current users world wide. Stream Maps data are been collected via our internal grid infrastructure and there is no...
Today we have released our EU demo vendors. Both EU and US vendors are included in the sparrow streams affilate package. To receive yours you will need to pay the vendor. For the current resellers, the full amount will be refunded.
What is it?Sparrow Streams Marketplace is a directory listing of all available rental boxes from all Sparrow reseller’s grid wide in Second life. By default the system will provide the most popular results but you can change the desired settings...